RTP Engine on Kamailio SIP

This article focuses on setting up sipwise rtpegine to proxy rtp traffic from kamailio app server. This is an updated version of the the old article .

RTPengine is a proxy for RTP traffic and other UDP based media traffic over either IPv4 or IPv6. It can even bridge between diff IP networks and interfaces . It can do TOS/QoS field setting. It is Multi-threaded , can advertise different addresses for operation behind NAT.

It bears in-kernel packet forwarding for low-latency and low-CPU performance .

When used with kamailio RTP engine module it adds more features . I wrote an article covering all relevant and important kamailio modules earlier including RTPProxy and RTP engine ;https://telecom.altanai.com/2014/11/18/kamailio-modules/.

  • Full SDP parsing and rewriting
  • Supports non-standard RTCP ports (RFC 3605)
  • ICE (RFC 5245):
    • Bridging between ICE-enabled and ICE-unaware user agents
    • Optionally acting only as additional ICE relay/candidate
    • Optionally forcing relay of media streams by removing other ICE candidates
  • SRTP (RFC 3711):
    • Support for SDES (RFC 4568) and DTLS-SRTP (RFC 5764)
    • AES-CM and AES-F8 ciphers, both in userspace and in kernel
    • HMAC-SHA1 packet authentication
    • Bridging between RTP and SRTP user agents
  • RTCP profile with feedback extensions (RTP/AVPF, RFC 4585 and 5124)
  • Arbitrary bridging between any of the supported RTP profiles (RTP/AVP, RTP/AVPF, RTP/SAVP, RTP/SAVPF)
  • RTP/RTCP multiplexing (RFC 5761) and demultiplexing
  • Breaking of BUNDLE’d media streams (draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-bundle-negotiation)
  • Recording of media streams, decrypted if possible
  • Transcoding and repacketization
  • Playback of pre-recorded streams/announcements

Sipwise NGCP RTP Engine Source Code

There are 3 parts of the source structure in sipwise NGCP ( Next Generation communication Platform) rtpengine :


The userspace daemon and workhorse, minimum requirement for anything to work. Running make will compile the binary, which will be called rtpengine.

Required packages including their development headers are required to compile the daemon:

  • pkg-config
  • GLib including GThread and GLib-JSON version 2.x
  • zlib
  • OpenSSL
  • PCRE library
  • XMLRPC-C version 1.16.08 or higher
  • hiredis library
  • gperf
  • libcurl version 3.x or 4.x
  • libevent version 2.x
  • libpcap
  • libsystemd
  • MySQL or MariaDB client library (optional for media playback and call recording daemon)
  • libiptc library for iptables management (optional)
  • ffmpeg codec libraries for transcoding (optional) such as libavcodec, libavfilter, libswresample
  • bcg729 for full G.729 transcoding support (optional)

options for make – with_iptables_option , with_transcoding

 with_transcoding=no make 


Required for in-kernel packet forwarding. With the iptables development headers installed, issuing make will compile the plugin for iptables and ip6tables. The file will be called libxt_RTPENGINE.so and needs to be copied into the xtables module directory. The location of this directory can be determined through pkg-config xtables –variable=xtlibdir on newer systems, and/or is usually either /lib/xtables/ or /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xtables/.


Required for in-kernel packet forwarding. Compilation of the kernel module requires the kernel development headers to be installed in/lib/modules/$VERSION/build/, where $VERSION is the output of the command uname -r.

Successful compilation of the module will produce the file xt_RTPENGINE.ko. The module can be inserted into the running kernel manually through insmod xt_RTPENGINE.ko

It is recommended to copy the module into /lib/modules/$VERSION/updates/, followed by running depmod -a.

After this, the module can be loaded by issuing modprobe xt_RTPENGINE.


Follow instructions on https://gist.github.com/altanai/0d8cadbe6876d545fd63d6b3e79dcf73


sudo su 
apt-get install debhelper iptables-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libglib2.0-dev  libjson-glib-dev libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev libhiredis-dev build-essential:native
for pcap
apt install ibpcap-dev

some ffmpeg pakages like

apt install libavcodec-dev libavfilter-dev libavformat-dev libavresample-dev  libavutil-dev

for dpkg

libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl libdigest-crc-perl libio-multiplex-perl libnet-interface-perl libsystemd-dev markdown

for debhelper>10

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

add line

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse
sudo apt update

check version

apt-cache policy debhelper dh-autoreconf
Installed: 9.20160115ubuntu3
Candidate: 9.20160115ubuntu3
Version table:
10.2.2ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1 100
100 http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports/main amd64 Packages
100 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports/main amd64 Packages
*** 9.20160115ubuntu3 500
500 http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 11
Version table:
12~ubuntu16.04.1 100
100 http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports/main amd64 Packages
100 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports/main amd64 Packages
11 500
500 http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages

Force installing the version from backports repo as it have low priority.

sudo apt install dh-autoreconf=12~ubuntu16.04.1 debhelper=10.2.2ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1

so now new priority will be


  Installed: 10.2.2ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1
  Candidate: 10.2.2ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1
  Version table:
 *** 10.2.2ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1 100
        100 http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports/main amd64 Packages
        100 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     9.20160115ubuntu3 500
        500 http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages
  Installed: 12~ubuntu16.04.1
  Candidate: 12~ubuntu16.04.1
  Version table:
 *** 12~ubuntu16.04.1 100
        100 http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports/main amd64 Packages
        100 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     11 500
        500 http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages

ref :https://askubuntu.com/questions/863221/need-help-building-debhelper-10-2-2-bpo8-from-source

Get sourcecode

cd /usr/local/src
git clone https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine.git
cd rtpengine

use dpkg-checkbuilddeps to find any missing dependices

For missing dependencies

dpkg-checkbuilddeps: error: Unmet build dependencies: libbcg729-dev
remove the encoder for G.729 which is not supported by ffmoeg by exporting varible

export DEB_BUILD_PROFILES="pkg.ngcp-rtpengine.nobcg729"

Ref :ref : https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine#g729-support

for defaultlibmysqlclient-dev and libiptc-dev

vi debian/control
change from default-libmysqlclient-dev to libmysqlclient-dev, change from libiptcdata-dev to libiptc-dev and install the alternatives such as

apt install libmysqlclient-dev libiptcdata-dev 

Generated deb files should be outside the rtpegine home folder

generated ngcp-rtpegine deb files
cd ..
dpkg -i ngcp-rtpengine-daemon_7.3.0.0+0~mr7.3.0.0_amd64.deb
dpkg -i ngcp-rtpengine-iptables_7.3.0.0+0~mr7.3.0.0_amd64.deb
dpkg -i ngcp-rtpengine-kernel-dkms_7.3.0.0+0~mr7.3.0.0_all.deb
dpkg -i ngcp-rtpengine-kernel-source_7.3.0.0+0~mr7.3.0.0_all.deb
dpkg -i ngcp-rtpengine-recording-daemon_7.3.0.0+0~mr7.3.0.0_amd64.deb
dpkg -i ngcp-rtpengine-utils_7.3.0.0+0~mr7.3.0.0_all.deb
dpkg -i ngcp-rtpengine_7.3.0.0+0~mr7.3.0.0_all.deb
After depackaging

Manual installation and running all test cases

cd rtpengine
make check

If you dont find a package you are looking for , some alternatives are to do apt-cache search like

apt-cache search libavfilter
libavfilter-dev - FFmpeg library containing media filters - development files
libavfilter-ffmpeg5 - FFmpeg library containing media filters - runtime files

or to search in ubuntu packages web https://packages.ubuntu.com/

Running RTPEngine

rtpegine application options

  • -v, –version Print build time and exit
  • –config-file=FILE Load config from this file
  • –config-section=STRING Config file section to use
  • –log-facility=daemon|local0|…|local7 Syslog facility to use for logging
  • -L, –log-level=INT Mask log priorities above this level
  • -E, –log-stderr Log on stderr instead of syslog
  • –no-log-timestamps Drop timestamps from log lines to stderr
  • –log-mark-prefix Prefix for sensitive log info
  • –log-mark-suffix Suffix for sensitive log info
  • -p, –pidfile=FILE Write PID to file
  • -f, –foreground Don’t fork to background
  • -t, –table=INT Kernel table to use
  • -F, –no-fallback Only start when kernel module is available
  • -i, –interface=[NAME/]IP[!IP] Local interface for RTP
  • -k, –subscribe-keyspace=INT INT … Subscription keyspace list
  • -l, –listen-tcp=[IP:]PORT TCP port to listen on
  • -u, –listen-udp=[IP46|HOSTNAME:]PORT UDP port to listen on
  • -n, –listen-ng=[IP46|HOSTNAME:]PORT UDP port to listen on, NG protocol
  • -c, –listen-cli=[IP46|HOSTNAME:]PORT UDP port to listen on, CLI
  • -g, –graphite=IP46|HOSTNAME:PORT Address of the graphite server
  • -G, –graphite-interval=INT Graphite send interval in seconds
  • –graphite-prefix=STRING Prefix for graphite line
  • -T, –tos=INT Default TOS value to set on streams
  • –control-tos=INT Default TOS value to set on control-ng
  • -o, –timeout=SECS RTP timeout
  • -s, –silent-timeout=SECS RTP timeout for muted
  • -a, –final-timeout=SECS Call timeout
  • –offer-timeout=SECS Timeout for incomplete one-sided calls
  • -m, –port-min=INT Lowest port to use for RTP
  • -M, –port-max=INT Highest port to use for RTP
  • -r, –redis=[PW@]IP:PORT/INT Connect to Redis database
  • -w, –redis-write=[PW@]IP:PORT/INT Connect to Redis write database
  • –redis-num-threads=INT Number of Redis restore threads
  • –redis-expires=INT Expire time in seconds for redis keys
  • -q, –no-redis-required Start no matter of redis connection state
  • –redis-allowed-errors=INT Number of allowed errors before redis is temporarily disabled
  • –redis-disable-time=INT Number of seconds redis communication is disabled because of errors
  • –redis-cmd-timeout=INT Sets a timeout in milliseconds for redis commands
  • –redis-connect-timeout=INT Sets a timeout in milliseconds for redis connections
  • -b, –b2b-url=STRING XMLRPC URL of B2B UA
  • –log-facility-cdr=daemon|local0|…|local7 Syslog facility to use for logging CDRs
  • –log-facility-rtcp=daemon|local0|…|local7 Syslog facility to use for logging RTCP
  • –log-facility-dtmf=daemon|local0|…|local7 Syslog facility to use for logging DTMF
  • –log-format=default|parsable Log prefix format
  • -x, –xmlrpc-format=INT XMLRPC timeout request format to use. 0: SEMS DI, 1: call-id only, 2: Kamailio
  • –num-threads=INT Number of worker threads to create
  • –media-num-threads=INT Number of worker threads for media playback
  • -d, –delete-delay=INT Delay for deleting a session from memory.
  • –sip-source Use SIP source address by default
  • –dtls-passive Always prefer DTLS passive role
  • –max-sessions=INT Limit of maximum number of sessions
  • –max-load=FLOAT Reject new sessions if load averages exceeds this value
  • –max-cpu=FLOAT Reject new sessions if CPU usage (in percent) exceeds this value
  • –max-bandwidth=INT Reject new sessions if bandwidth usage (in bytes per second) exceeds this value
  • –homer=IP46|HOSTNAME:PORT Address of Homer server for RTCP stats
  • –homer-protocol=udp|tcp Transport protocol for Homer (default udp)
  • –homer-id=INT ‘Capture ID’ to use within the HEP protocol
  • –recording-dir=FILE Directory for storing pcap and metadata files
  • –recording-method=pcap|proc Strategy for call recording
  • –recording-format=raw|eth File format for stored pcap files
  • –iptables-chain=STRING Add explicit firewall rules to this iptables chain
  • –codecs Print a list of supported codecs and exit
  • –scheduling=default|none|fifo|rr|other|batch|idle Thread scheduling policy
  • –priority=INT Thread scheduling priority
  • –idle-scheduling=default|none|fifo|rr|other|batch|idle Idle thread scheduling policy
  • –idle-priority=INT Idle thread scheduling priority
  • –log-srtp-keys Log SRTP keys to error log
  • –mysql-host=HOST|IP MySQL host for stored media files
  • –mysql-port=INT MySQL port
  • –mysql-user=USERNAME MySQL connection credentials
  • –mysql-pass=PASSWORD MySQL connection credentials
  • –mysql-query=STRING MySQL select query
rtpengine --interface="" --listen-ng=25061 --listen-cli=25062 --foreground --log-stderr --listen-udp=25060 --listen-tcp=25060

In-Kernal Packet Forwarding

To avoid the overhead involved in processing each individual RTP packet in userspace-only operation, especially as RTP traffic consists of many small packets at high rates, rtpengine provides a kernel module to offload the bulk of the packet forwarding duties from user space to kernel space. This also results in increasing the number of concurrent calls as CPU usage decreases.In-kernel packet forwarding is implemented as an iptables module (x_tables) and has 2 parts – xt_RTPENGINE and plugin to the iptables and ip6tables command-line utilities

Sequence of events for a newly established media stream is then:

  1. Kamailio as SIP proxy controls rtpengine and signals it about a newly established call.
  2. Rtpengine daemon allocates local UDP ports and sets up preliminary forward rules based on the info received from the SIP proxy.
  3. An RTP packet is received on the local port.
  4. It traverses the iptables chains and gets passed to the xt_RTPENGINE module.
  5. The module doesn’t recognize it as belonging to an established stream and thus ignores it.
  6. The packet continues normal processing and eventually ends up in the daemon’s receive queue.
  7. The daemon reads it, processes it and forwards it. It also updates some internal data.
  8. This userspace-only processing and forwarding continues for a little while, during which time information about additional streams and/or endpoints may be obtained from the SIP proxy.
  9. After a few seconds, when the daemon is satisfied with what it has learned about the media endpoints, it pushes the forwarding rules to the kernel.
  10. From this moment on, the kernel module will recognize incoming packets belonging to those streams and will forward them on its own. It will stop those packets from traversing the network stacks any further, so the daemon will not see them any more on its receive queues.
  11. In-kernel forwarding is allowed to cease to work at any given time, either accidentally (e.g. by removal of the iptablesrule) or deliberatly (the daemon will do so in case of a re-invite), in which case forwarding falls back to userspace-only operation.

The Kernel Module

The kernel module supports multiple forwarding tables, identified through their ID number , bydefault 0 to 63

Each running instance of the rtpengine daemon controls one such table. To load use

modprobe xt_RTPENGINE and to unload rmmod xt_RTPENGINE,. With the module loaded, a new directory will appear in /proc/, namely /proc/rtpengine/ , containing pseudo-files, control ( to create and delete forwarding tables) and list ( list of currently active forwarding tables)

To manually create a forwarding table with ID 33, the following command can be used:

echo ‘add 43’ > /proc/rtpengine/control

The iptables module

In order for the kernel module to be able to actually forward packets, an iptables rule must be set up to send packets into the module. Each such rule is associated with one forwarding table. In the simplest case, for forwarding table 33, this can be done through:

iptables -I INPUT -p udp -j RTPENGINE –id 33

To restrict the rules to the UDP port range used by rtpengine, e.g. by supplying a parameter like –dport 30000:40000. If the kernel module receives a packet that it doesn’t recognize as belonging to an active media stream, it will simply ignore it and hand it back to the network stack for normal processing.

A typical start-up sequence including in-kernel forwarding might look like this:

modprobe xt_RTPENGINE
iptables -I INPUT -p udp -j RTPENGINE --id 0
ip6tables -I INPUT -p udp -j RTPENGINE --id 0

ensure that the table we want to use doesn’t exist – usually needed after a daemon restart, otherwise will error

echo 'del 0' > /proc/rtpengine/control

start daemon

/usr/sbin/rtpengine --table=0 --interface= --interface=2001:db8::4f3:3d \
--listen-ng= --tos=184 --pidfile=/run/rtpengine.pid --no-fallback

Running Multiple Instances

To run multiple instances of rtpengine on the same machine run multiple instances of the daemon using different command-line options ( local addresses and listening ports), together with multiple different kernel forwarding tables.

For example, if one local network interface has address and another has address, then the start-up sequence might look like this:

modprobe xt_RTPENGINE
iptables -I INPUT -p udp -d -j RTPENGINE --id 0
iptables -I INPUT -p udp -d -j RTPENGINE --id 1
echo 'del 0' > /proc/rtpengine/control
echo 'del 1' > /proc/rtpengine/control
/usr/sbin/rtpengine --table=0 --interface=<ip> \
--listen-ng= --tos=184 --pidfile=/run/rtpengine-10.pid --no-fallback
/usr/sbin/rtpengine --table=1 --interface=<ip_pvy>\
--listen-ng= --tos=184 --pidfile=/run/rtpengine-192.pid --no-fallback

With this setup, the SIP proxy can choose which instance of rtpengine to talk to and thus which local interface to use by sending its control messages to either port 2223 or port 2224.


Currently transcoding is supported for audio streams. Can we turned off with with_transcoding=no option in makeFile

Normally rtpengine leaves codec negotiation up to the clients involved in the call and does not interfere. In this case, if the clients fail to agree on a codec, the call will fail.

transcoding options in the ng control protocol,  transcode or ptime . If a codec is requested via the transcode option that was not originally offered, transcoding will be engaged for that call. With transcoding active for a call, all unsupported codecs will be removed from the SDP.

Transcoding happens in userspace only, so in-kernel packet forwarding will not be available for transcoded codecs. Codecs that are supported by both sides will simply be passed through transparently (unless repacketization is active). In-kernel packet forwarding will still be available for these codecs.

codecs supported by rtpengine can be shown with –codecs options

  • rtpengine –codecs
  • PCMA: fully supported
  • PCMU: fully supported
  • G723: fully supported
  • G722: fully supported
  • QCELP: supported for decoding only
  • G729: supported for decoding only
  • speex: fully supported
  • GSM: fully supported
  • iLBC: not supported
  • opus: fully supported
  • vorbis: codec supported but lacks RTP definition
  • ac3: codec supported but lacks RTP definition
  • eac3: codec supported but lacks RTP definition
  • ATRAC3: supported for decoding only
  • ATRAC-X: supported for decoding only
  • AMR: supported for decoding only
  • AMR-WB: supported for decoding only
  • PCM-S16LE: codec supported but lacks RTP definition
  • PCM-U8: codec supported but lacks RTP definition
  • MP3: codec supported but lacks RTP definition

ng Control Protocol

advanced control protocol to pass SDP body from the SIP proxy to the rtpengine daemon, has the body rewritten in the daemon, and then pas back to the SIP proxy to embed into the SIP message. It is  based on the bencode standard and runs over UDP transport.

Each message passed between the SIP proxy and the media proxy contains of two parts: message cookie ( to match requests to responses, and retransmission detection) and bencoded dictionary

The dictionary of each request must contain at least one key called command and corresponding value must be a string and determines the type of message. Currently the following commands are defined:

  • ping
  • offer
  • answer
  • delete
  • query
  • start recording
  • stop recording
  • block DTMF
  • unblock DTMF
  • block media
  • unblock media
  • start forwarding
  • stop forwarding
  • play media
  • stop media

The response dictionary must contain at least one key called result. The value can be either ok (optional key warning) or error( to be accompanied by error-reason ). For the ping command, the additional value pong is allowed.



table = 0
no-fallback = false
for userspace forwarding only:
table = -1

// separate multiple interfaces with semicolons:
interface = internal/;external/

listen-ng =
listen-tcp = 25060
listen-udp = 12222

timeout = 60
silent-timeout = 3600
tos = 184
control-tos = 184
delete-delay = 30
final-timeout = 10800

foreground = false
pidfile = /run/ngcp-rtpengine-daemon.pid
num-threads = 16

port-min = 30000
port-max = 40000
max-sessions = 5000

recording-dir = /var/spool/rtpengine
recording-method = proc
recording-format = raw

redis =
redis-write = password@x.x.x.x:6379/42
redis-num-threads = 8
no-redis-required = false
redis-expires = 86400
redis-allowed-errors = -1
redis-disable-time = 10
redis-cmd-timeout = 0
redis-connect-timeout = 1000

b2b-url =
xmlrpc-format = 0

log-level = 6
log-stderr = false
log-facility = daemon
log-facility-cdr = local0
log-facility-rtcp = local1

graphite =
graphite-interval = 60
graphite-prefix = foobar.

homer = 123.234.345.456:65432
homer-protocol = udp
homer-id = 2001

sip-source = false
dtls-passive = false

To start the ngcp-rtpengine-daemon service

/etc/init.d/ngcp-rtpengine-daemon start
[ ok ] Starting ngcp-rtpengine-daemon (via systemctl): ngcp-rtpengine-daemon.service.

checking status ngcp-rtpengine-daemonservice

# systemctl status ngcp-rtpengine-daemon.service

● ngcp-rtpengine-daemon.service - NGCP RTP/media Proxy Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ngcp-rtpengine-daemon.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-04-11 10:16:20 UTC; 24s ago
  Process: 13751 ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/ngcp-rtpengine-iptables-setup stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 13797 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/ngcp-rtpengine-iptables-setup start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 13814 (rtpengine)
    Tasks: 19
   Memory: 10.5M
      CPU: 102ms
   CGroup: /system.slice/ngcp-rtpengine-daemon.service
           └─13814 /usr/sbin/rtpengine -f -E --no-log-timestamps --pidfile /run/ngcp-rtpengine-daemon.pid --config-file /etc/rtpengine/rtpengine.conf --table 0

To start recording service

/etc/init.d/ngcp-rtpengine-recording-daemon start

RTP engine receives command offer

Received command 'offer' from :53888
Dump for 'offer' from :53888: {  
 o=- 1554978148897419 1 IN IP4 pvt_ip 
 s=Bria 3 release 3.5.5 stamp 71243 
 c=IN IP4 
 t=0 0 
 m=audio 50754 RTP/AVP 0 98 101 
 a=rtpmap:98 ILBC/8000 
 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 
 a=fmtp:101 0-15 
Creating new call
Turning on call recording.
Wrote metadata file to temporary path: /var/spool/rtpengine/tmp/

RTP engine receives command delete

Received command 'delete' from :57304
 Dump for 'delete' from :57304: { "call-id": "732597d6-6d96-485b-b6dc-7d93703c1405", "received-from": [ "IP4", "" ], "from-tag": "cb8a1e30", "command": "delete" }
Deleting call branch 'cb8a1e30' (via-branch '')
Call branch 'cb8a1e30' (via-branch '') deleted, no more branches remaining
  Deleting entire call
 INFO: [ID="732597d6-6d96-485b-b6dc-7d93703c1405"]: Final packet stats:
 --- Tag 'cb8a1e30', created 0:05 ago for branch '', in dialogue with ''
 ------ Media #1 (audio over RTP/AVP) using unknown codec
 --------- Port   :10044 <>    :50754, SSRC 0, 0 p, 0 b, 0 e, 5 ts
 freeing send_timer
 --------- Port   :10045 <>    :50755 (RTCP), SSRC 0, 0 p, 0 b, 0 e, 5 ts
 freeing send_timer
 --- Tag '', created 0:05 ago for branch '', in dialogue with 'cb8a1e30'
 ------ Media #1 (audio over RTP/AVP) using unknown codec
--------- Port   :10032 <>          (null):0    , SSRC 0, 0 p, 0 b, 0 e, 5 ts
freeing send_timer
--------- Port   :10033 <>          (null):0     (RTCP), SSRC 0, 0 p, 0 b, 0 e, 5 ts
freeing send_timer
 rtpengine: ci=732597d6-6d96-485b-b6dc-7d93703c1405, created_from=:53888, 

Who's online

There are currently 1 user and 3 guests online.